Do you walk into a room and forget why you’re there? Do you feel like you are living your entire life in a constant state of bad PMS? Are you sitting across the table irritated by the way your partner chews his or her food?
Irritability, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and “brain fog” are just a few of the feelings associated with hormonal imbalance. For some women, this really is no laughing matter. When sticky notes posted all around your house are needed to help you remember what time to get your kids from school, life can become a bit hectic. When you are bitchy all the time, life just isn’t fun. And when you screw up that big presentation at work because you can’t remember what the hell you’re talking about, your job could be at risk. Some of these symptoms are simply part of getting older, but if you could mitigate them and feel happier and more focused, why wouldn’t you?Although these feelings can become terribly frustrating and incapacitating, the important thing to remember is that you are not losing your mind and you are not alone. Your hormones are simply not working together in harmony. Approximately 1 in 4 American women between the ages of 40 and 59 take antidepressants.
Can this many women really be clinically depressed? At Wine, Women and Hormones® we have witnessed many women who have been able to move away from anti-depressants as a result of getting their hormones balanced. Maybe it’s your time to join the thousands of women who have launched their journey to a happier and healthier way of life.
We call this the “happy hormone”! As you move into peri-menopause, progesterone levels start to drop. The feelings this triggers in the body (mood swings, depression, anxiety and others) are similar to the feelings of PMS when progesterone levels naturally drop. Consequently, it can feel like you are living your life in a constant state of PMS! Progesterone plays a natural role in regulating mood. Taken orally progesterone converts to a metabolite that binds to the gaba receptors in the brain causing a natural relaxation and greatly helps with sleep.
Testosterone: Low Testosterone levels can affect memory, libido, mental clarity, energy, weight gain, bone density in women. Testosterone levels can also affect mood. Both too low and too high levels can cause feelings of depression, mood swings and just “not feeling like your old self”. Although overall testosterone levels are much lower in women than in men, this sex hormone should not be overlooked as part of a women’s hormonal assessment.
Estrogen is responsible for over 400 crucial functions in the body. Estrogens helps maintain all your major organ systems. Low estrogen is associated with osteoporosis, memory impairment, aging of the skin, Alzheimer’s, vaginal dryness, low libido, irritability, and cardiovascular disease to name a few. Estrogen compounds can be customized exclusively for you depending on lab results and symptoms.
METHYLATION (B Vitamin Injectables)
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) and vitamin B complex have been linked to mental function with research showing this vitamin complex may be helpful in improving mood and memory, especially long-term memory.